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Coaches Corner

RYSL Coaching Vision
F • I • E • R • C • E

Fun - loving the game

Integrity - doing the right thing

Educate - investing in yourself and others

Resilience - never give up

Confidence - believing in yourself & team

Empower - making it happen

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Dear RYSL Coaches,

On behalf the Redding Youth Soccer League Board of Directors and all of the players we serve, thank you for donating your valuable time to coach our children so they are able to develop a continued love of our game. It is our sincere hope that your experience with the league will be a positive one and that the children you are working with will be benefited as well. The RYSL Board continues to strive to make our league the best it can be.

Perhaps our greatest responsibility to the children we serve is their safety. To that end the Board of Directors recently passed a motion that all coaches and assistant coaches would be required to submit to a LiveScan background check with the California Department of Justice. Please contact the registrar or an individual age group coordinator for more information.


We ask that you comply with this request at your earliest convenience and thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Redding Youth Soccer League

Coach Registration Timeframe


Phase 1:

Each Coach must sign up for an account with GotSport and complete two specific background checks to fulfill Phase 1. 

The Sign-In and Background Checks will be 10-15 mins. 


Phase 2:

SafeSport provides a specific course to train a coach to lead their players in healthy and safe ways. 

The SafeSport Training will be 90-120 mins. (People may need a 15 min break)


Phase 3:

The Disqualification and Suspension review form certifies that a person is not suspended, disqualified or under review by: 1) US Club Soccer, 2) the U.S. Center for SafeSport, 3) the U.S. Soccer Federation or any of its Organization Members, or 4) any other organization or program involving minors. 

Disqualification – Suspension review will be 5 mins


Phase 4:

Phase 4: USYS (United States Youth Soccer) is the largest youth sports organization in the country and aims to provide a path for every soccer player by offering programs that provide a fun, safe and healthy environment for players at every level of the game. Each coach must fulfil US Clubs requirements for training and a background check to move forward in the registration process. 

Potential US Club will take 5 mins


Phase 6:

Starting in 2024 California Passes AB 506. Which requires all Non-Profit organizations who deal with youth related activites will require all Staff, volunteer's, Coaches, etc to be fingerprinted. Please take the Accu-Print form to Accuprint on Bechelli Lane in Redding and complete the Fingerprint process. 


Phase 5:

Wait for responses from GotSport team in the coming days after registration is complete. 


Upcoming Dates
Practice Fields
Coaching Policies
Important Upcoming Dates


RYSL Spring Coach Training (MANDATORY ATTENDANCE - one night only)
February 20th and 24th


Can't find childcare? Don't sweat it, bring those kiddos!


Never been called "Coach" before and haven't touched a soccer ball since YOU were a kid? Breathe easy, we got you!


Coached before and feeling confident? There's always something new to learn and we need our entire team present. Your attendance is valuable to your fellow coach and your league.




Practice Fields

Book Your Practice Field with Ease!
Great news, coaches! Scheduling your practice field has never been simpler. Just take 30 seconds to fill out our easy-to-use form, and we’ll add you to the schedule right away. Click the live link below to submit your practice field request:


Practice Field Request Form


Live Practice Field chart



Coaching Policies
Game Cancelations at California Soccer Park

RYSL strongly discourages canceling games because they will not be rescheduled. If your team cannot make a game, please call RYSL at (530)782-8935 or email us at so we can get into contact with your opponent. 

Policy on Air Quality and Practices & Games

The Redding Youth Soccer League recommends that coaches cancel all soccer practices outdoors when the Redding Air Quality Index (AQI) reaches 101 (AQI of "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups"). Sensitive groups include people with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teenagers. Ultimately, it will be up to each parent to decide whether to attend a practice that is not cancelled, and that player should not be punished if they do not attend.

If the AQI reaches 150 or higher (Air Quality Index of "Unhealthy for All Groups") then all practices must be cancelled for the safety and welfare of RYSL players and coaches. No teams may practice outdoors or participate in games when this level is reached.


Go to and select the proper settings described below. 150 and up means no practices.

Go to and see their map. California Soccer Park has a smoke sensor on the building. Find the Map Data Layer menu in the bottom left and click on the right-hand dropdown where it says "none" and select LRAPA. That is the number to use.

Referee Interaction

All coaches are expected to be calm and collected towards their referees. They are humans.

As most are youth on their first jobs, we expect all coaches treat them with kindness and respect. If there are any issues, communicate with the referee after the game and to the referee coordinator.

This form is for coaches to give feedback on the referee assigned to their game.

PLEASE NOTE this form is praise for doing a good job as well as constructive feedback.


Referee Evaluation

This form is for coaches to give Feedback on the referee assigned to their game.

PLEASE NOTE this form is praise for doing a good job as well as constructive feedback.

Referee Feedback Form


RYSL By-Laws & Constitution

Visit our about page HERE for league By-Laws and the RYSL Constitution.


CULTURE - A Few Do's and Don'ts


  1. Positive encouragement and instruction of your players from the sidelines (the coach’s box) is allowed. Negative criticism, hostility, abuse or anger are things you should not do. You are a role model and must set the example of good sportsmanship and insist upon it from your team.

  2. Cheering when the other team makes a mistake is bad. Cheering when the other team makes a great play is good.

  3. Never criticize the referee. It is a tough job. If an appealable mistake is made, talk to the referee and then the Director of Referees after the game. Remember, you are the role model and must set the standard for behavior. It is good to thank the referee and linesmen after the game.

  4. Stay 2 steps back from the sideline during games, so you don’t block the Assistant Referee’s view of the line.

  5. Don’t run up the score. It’s not good for either team if the game is a mismatch, but sometimes it happens. If your team gets 5 goals ahead, you should be a good sport & do one of the following:

    • Put your weakest scorers up front (use this as an opportunity to let them be forwards).

    • Try someone new in goal & at fullback.

    • Pull a player off the field & “play short”. If it is still a mismatch, pull off another player.

    • Tell your players they must complete 5 consecutive passes before shooting.

    • Tell them they can only take shots from outside the Penalty Box (i.e., practice chip shots, lofted shots at the top of the goal or power shots).

  6. Referee Interaction
    All coaches are expected to be calm and collected toward their referees. They are humans. Most are youth with refereeing as their first job. We expect all coaches treat them with kindness and respect. If there are any issues, communicate with the referee after the game and to the referee coordinator.


Who can coach?

Positive people who love working with children and who know (or are willing to learn) soccer basic per each age division. This includes parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, teenagers paired with a team adult, (my sons favorite first coach was a teen, whose family supported her coaching) and community members. All coaches must get fingerprint clearance, pass a background check, and complete mandatory online and on field training. 


How many kids would I be coaching?

Approximately 6U=8 players, 8U=8 players, 10U=10 players, 12U=12 players, 14 and above =15+ players


How often is practice?

8U and below typically once per week, 10U and above typically twice a week BUT you're the coach, if the best you can do is once per week that'll work. You pick the practice time and location that best suits your schedule. Soccer Park, local approved schools (free) and local approved city parks (free)


Are there any Perks?

Free park admittance for your team's games, practice times/days/locations to your preference, and you get to request to coach your own child and a few of their friends. All gear and training provided. 


And of course, RYSL families will think you're a rock star!




PO Box 991523

Redding, CA 96099


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