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Frequently Asked

  • How are Age Groups determined?
    A player's "soccer" age is the age they will turn in the calendar year of the season. 6U = 2019 - 2020* If your player is still 3 on September 1st, 2024, the parent will be required to coach 8U = 2017 - 2018 10U = 2015 - 2016 12U = 2013 - 2014 14U = 2011 - 2012 16U = 2009 - 2010 19U = 2006 - 2008
  • How much does registration cost?
    6U Birth Date 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2020 ($90 until Nov 15th / $100 until Jan 15th / $120 until close) 8U Birth Date 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2018 ($115 until Nov 15th / $125 until Jan 15th / $145 until close) 10U Birth Date 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2016 ($150 until Nov 15th / $160 until Jan 15th / $180 until close) 12U Birth Date 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2014 ($155 until Nov 15th / $165 until Jan 15th/ $185 until close) 14U Birth Date 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2012 ($175 until Nov 15th / $185 until Jan 15th / $205 until close) 16U Birth Date 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2010 ($190 until Nov 15th / $200 until Jan 15th / $220 until close) 19U Birth Date 01/01/2006 - 12/31/2008 ($190 until Nov 15th / $200 until Jan 15th / $220 until close)
  • Can I request to have my kids play on the same team?
    Assuming that they are in the same age group (or near age groups), then yes. Please make sure that you mark the registration form that you wish this to occur. This is especially important for siblings that do not share a last name.
  • Can I request to have my kid placed with a certain player or with a certain coach?
    Yes. We attempt to honor requests to have players play with their friends or for certain coaches. HOWEVER, we cannot always honor every request. Sometimes there are just too many requests, players have changed age groups or we just need to move kids around to balance out the size of teams.
  • What does my registration pay for?
    The cost of running youth sports organizations is continually increasing. The Redding Youth Soccer League strives to keep the cost to our member families as low as possible through donations, sponsorships, and negotiated contracts. The list of major league expenses that are paid from these funds and your registration fees include: Background checks on all coaches in RYSL Insurance for players and coaches Game field rental at the California Soccer Park Uniforms and equipment for the players Referees League administration fees and rentals District and state association player and league registration fees Seasonal tournament Coaches training
  • When will I hear from my coach?
    Coaches should contact players approximately 1 week prior to the beginning of the season. In the Spring you should hear from a coach in the first week of March. In the Fall, they should be in contact by late August.
  • Can I request to have my kid play in a different age group?
    We do not recommend playing in a different age group for safety. If your player is large for their age, or is exceptionally good at soccer, then you can request to play up 1 BIRTH YEAR, NOT 1 AGE GROUP. What's the difference you ask? There are 2 birth years in each age group in recreational soccer. For instance, if you are in U10 (birth years 2014 and 2015), in the fall of 2023 you will have 9 and 10 year olds on the team. If you want to play up to U12, and the parent understand the safety issues, those who were born in 2014 could play up, but those in 2015 can absolutely NOT play up to U12. That would be 9 year olds playing with 12 year olds. If you do decide you want to play up the age group, understanding what was discussed above, you must email and let us know. In this case, you would select the next age group up during registration. If you are U10, you would select U11 and that would put you in the U12 age group. If you are U12 wanting to play in U14, you would select U13. If U13 is not available, then likely, your player is too young for that age group.
  • When does the Season Start for Spring 2025?
    RYSL First Practices: practices will begin the first week of March RYSL First Game: March 15th No games Easter weekend or May 3rd and 4th
  • What day are practices?
    Each coach sets the dates, times, and locations of practices for his/her team. If you want to select the practice time, you have to coach, otherwise you are at the mercy of when the volunteer coach has availability.
  • What day are the games?
    Games are typically played on Saturdays. Occasionally, Friday night and mid-week games are played.
  • Where are the games played?
    All of our local games are played at the California Soccer Park. PLEASE NOTE: The California Soccer Park charges a $5 admission fee for games and $6 for tournaments to all visitors over the age of 12 except referees, players, and coaches.
  • When will I hear from my coach?
    Coaches should contact players approximately 1 week prior to the beginning of the season. In the Spring you should hear from a coach in the first week of March. In the Fall, they should be in contact by late August.
  • My player has never played before, what equipment do I need?
    Each player will need to have proper shin guards and cleats or turf shoes for all practices and games. A ball is optional but highly encouraged. Socks come with the uniform, but practice socks should cover the shin guards completely. Some like turf shoes, some like cleats. Either can be played at the California Soccer Park. Some teams practice in the grass at parks, and the older players do sometimes play in grass, so cleats are a good starting point. Be sure to not have a front cleat on the bottom of the cleats. These are baseball cleats and are not allowed as they can do damage to others.
  • When will I here from my coach?
    Coaches should contact players approximately 1 week prior to the beginning of the season. In the Spring you should hear from a coach in the first week of March. In the Fall, they should be in contact by late August
  • Is there Admission cost for the games?
    Yes, your registration does not include the cost to watch games. The nonprofit California Soccer Park requires you park admission fees in order to maintain the park, pay for business expenses like utilities, rent, field maintenance, as well as safety, cleaning and organizational staff. Park admission for games is $5, $6 per day at tournaments.
  • When will I hear from my coach?
    Coaches should contact players approximately 1 week prior to the beginning of the season. In the Spring you should hear from a coach in the first week of March. In the Fall, they should be in contact by late August.
  • How are teams formed?
    All Recreational teams are formed on as even a basis as possible, taking into account the player’s school, transportation requirements, age, etc. We can not guarantee parent requests for player placement, however, requests can be made during online registration, see the following questions for more information.
  • Can I request to have kids play on the same team?
    Assuming that they are in the same age group (or near age groups), then yes. Please make sure that you mark the registration form that you wish this to occur. This is especially important for siblings that do not share a last name.
  • Can I request to have my kid placed with a certain player or with a certain coach?
    Yes. We attempt to honor requests to have players play with their friends or for certain coaches. HOWEVER, we cannot always honor every request. Sometimes there are just too many requests, players have changed age groups or we just need to move kids around to balance out the size of teams.
  • My child has decided not to play this season. Can I get a refund?
    Please see our registration policies page.
  • My child has decide not play this season, can you just hold the registration fee until next season?


PO Box 991523

Redding, CA 96099


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