Registration Checklist
Be ready when you register your player
RYSL has two main registration periods. November-January for the Spring Season and May-July for the Fall Season of play.
Before starting your player's online registration, make sure you verify that you have all the items listed below.
The way to register for RYSL is with our online registration website!
New Players: Upload a picture of the player's birth certificate. This could be a birth certificate from the county where the player was born, a copy of a passport, a copy of the player’s driver's license, etc. Be sure to NOT send the one you received from the hospital (Mercy, Redding Medical Center, etc) these are not acceptable. The birth certificate MUST be from the COUNTY (Shasta, Tehama, etc).
Scan or take a picture of your player. Head shots with only the player are preferred. The player's head and shoulders should take up approximately 75% of the image. If you have any trouble uploading the image, you can also email the picture to
A credit, or debit card.
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